Next Event!

Camp Geneva
CAMP GENEVA, 36540 Vía Marcia, Fruitland Park, FL 34731, USA
Fri, Oct 25, 2024 6:00 PM
Sun, Oct 27, 2024 4:00 PM


October 12, 2024 - Monster shift sign up bonus

***Official Staff Post***

As I mentioned at opening ceremonies in September, we are going to try something new for registration starting with All Hallows.

When you fill out your registration, you have the option of pre-signing up for one of two different monster shifts

If you sign up for one of these shifts, you will receive a bonus of 50exp for doing early sign-up.

This means that if you sign up for the premium shift (yes one of the options is a premium shift) you will receive a grand total of 200 EXP for the event (50 exp for the game, 50 exp for early sign-up, and 100 exp for the premium monster shift).

The two shifts available will be Sat 10/26 9pm-3am (super monster time), and Sun 10/27 12pm-4pm (clean-up).

You are only able to sign-up for yourself. If you are unable to fulfill your commitment you will not get the bonus exp. If you know prior to game that you will not be able to do your shift, please let us know so that we can open that shift to another person.

The Sat shift will not be limited. As many people may sign up as wish to do so.

The Sun shift will be limited to six people.

We hope that you all are as excited about this event as we are.

I am sure everything will be fine. It is fine. Yeah…fine.

October 01, 2024 - Festival 2024 Checkout Open

Hero's Library Update

Hello Mythic Community,

The September 2024 Festival event checkout form is open!

Checkout link is live and can be found at:

The deadline to submit will be 11:59pm, Tuesday October 8th, 2024.

If you are having any questions or difficulty with the checkout form, please reach out to an NPL or one of the Librarians and we will be happy to help!

If you notice any errors on your character sheet in the portal, please message your librarians at:


Thank you!

The Hero’s Library Team

@Chris Mack @Krysta De Medici @Matthew Shaffer


September 26, 2024 - Tavern Menu for Festival 2024

September 12, 2024 - Registration for Festival 2024

****Official Staff Post****

Registration for Festival Season 9 goes Live Tuesday, September 17 at 5pm!

Want more information on how to register? Check out our How To Register page for all the information!

September 11, 2024 - Returning Player Liaison

From the desk of Game Owner Gary!


Returning Player Liaison


This announcement was made back at the January 2024 event, but I wanted to once again thank Rand Blanks for being our Returning Player Liaison.

Rand is best suited for this marshaling, as he is new enough that he doesn't know many of those who've played before his tenure, and so had no preconceived prior experiences.

He has both directed several games and owned Coral Gate, as well as designed that system. He is a director in real life at a fortune 500 company who supervises several hundred people both directly and indirectly.

Lastly Rand has known me since 1996.

With all the positive updates we've had recently both culturally and in clarifying the rules and codes of conduct, it was brought to me that since we vet new players to make sure they are a good fit and well informed. So we should do the same for those who've played before, but not recently.

After all people change, and so has our community, for the better. So let's make sure Mythic is still a good place for those who want to return and for our community.

Rand stepped up and volunteered to handle this vetting and information update process, as the most impartial and yet professional voice that could help us.

I would like to thank him for what will be a busy task.

If you are a player who has been on an break from the game for over a season, please reach out to Rand to see how he can help bring you back into the fold!  This is a resource so returning players can be brought up to speed with what happened while away.

Anyone who has been red carded will also go through Rand from now on, as a final step.