The Troll-Brood are Ancient fae beings that attach themselves to Eldar families. Although legends of Troll-Brood reach back for millennia, even the Trolls themselves are unaware of their species’ origins, sparking a variety of superstitions and theories about where these beings come from. Troll-Brood are often seen adorned with bones, furs, and teeth, reflecting their wild natures, but their underlying clothing is durable and usually in the colors of their Eldar’s house. In general, Troll-Brood share a mutual respect with other Ancients and are dismissive of the younger races.
Requirements Prior to Play
- Complete and approved costuming and makeup.
- Reviewed and cohesive backstory. This should be a conversation between the player and the Troll-Brood and Eldar race marhals well in advance of the character's introductory game.
- Acceptance of personal responsibility for enhancing game immersion through a constant commitment to genre, culture, internal plots, and racial goals.
- An Eldar sponsor to be connected to.
There are two required skills for Troll-Brood. All Troll-Brood are required to have the Teaching skill, as a reflection of their historical role as teachers and caregivers in Eldar society. Their second required skill is Craft: Tattoo to reflect a Troll-Brood’s innate knowledge of Tattooing. Beyond this, a Troll-Brood’s skills should be selected to complement those of their Eldar charge(s). For instance, as caregivers to (often-wild) children, Troll-Brood should likely know First Aid.
Almost nothing is known of the creation of the Troll-Brood. Some Troll-Brood believe they are pieces of one great troll, a tooth or fingernail cast off only to reform. Others believe they are the next stage in the Eldar life cycle, what is left after an Eldar passes on. Another theory is that Troll-Brood are primordial beings, forming over time from natural energies. Whatever theory may be true, what is known is that these beings spring to life fully-formed and conscious, armed with some instinctive knowledge and a single, unyielding desire to belong to a family. A newly-awakened Troll-Brood begins traveling to seek out their family at once, wandering their way into Eldar cities, townships, and homes. Once a family is found, the bonds that the Troll-Brood form with their Eldar are integral to the Troll-Brood’s life.
In the past, Troll-Brood were often teachers, caretakers, and guardians for their Eldar companions, their inherent strength aiding and complementing the Eldar’s inherent grace. Unfortunately, like the Eldar, most of the history and customs of the Troll-Broods was lost during the Dredd Wars.
The Troll-Brood took on many roles during the Dredd War. They were often found smuggling the young away from the dangers and pain of the war front. Some found themselves learning new trade or production skills to aid their families in combat. And others found themselves on the front line standing side by side with their families, doing everything in their power to keep them alive. It is known that many Troll-Brood fought and died alongside the Eldar during those dark days.
The Dredd Wars
The Dredd, creatures formed of shadow and nothingness from beyond the Veil, are the cause of much of the sorrow for the fae. They tore into the world fueled by dark corruption, filled with an unspeakable hunger. They sought the destruction of all that came from the Spark, but none more so than the Eldar. Troll-Brood watched in pain as their families were torn asunder, consumed by the Darkness that had come calling. When the Eldar learned of a way to corrupt themselves, using the same darkness that threatened their very existence, the tides began to turn. The Troll-Brood respected the honor of the Eldaran’s sacrifice, but were saddened by their loss. All told, the Dredd War lasted over a century and nearly annihilated the Fae race as a whole.
No new Troll has been awakened since the first Dredd war. As such, a Troll-Brood’s minimum age must be at least 700 years old. However, it is important to note that, with a Troll’s near immortality, they don’t tend to view time the same way as other races, and often don’t count days/months/years the same as their Eldar family. Comparisons to humanity’s views on time are likely even more difficult, and questions about a Troll-Brood’s age might be met with oblique answers.
From the outside Troll-Brood can seem gruff and dark, covering themselves in furs, bones, and other trinkets from dead creatures, and sometimes carrying weapons crafted from their bones. In their interactions with younger races, Troll-Brood are stoic, cold, and often dismissive, though this is not usually the case when they interact with other Ancients. This, combined with their tendency toward carnivorous (some might say cannibalistic) diets, leads to a common view of Troll-Brood as dark creatures or even monsters among the uninformed.
Outside of their connections and interactions with Eldar, Troll society is rather simple, based on size. Larger Trolls hold more sway in purely Troll-related interactions, and full Trolls may have relations with True Fae similar to the connection between Troll-Brood and Eldar. Size, however, has nothing to do with a Troll-Brood’s place in Eldar Society. To the Eldar, all Troll-Brood are as honored, respected, and loved as any Eldar would be. From both the Eldar and Troll perspectives, the Troll-Brood help their specific family, but they are in no way a race of slaves, and no Eldar would treat a Troll-Brood as such.
As Trolls are not “born” the same way as other races, sex, sexuality, and gender are all amorphous concepts to them. Such things don't matter to the Troll-Brood; a Troll is a Troll, and how others address a Troll, and the Troll’s response, is more based on race, age, and respect. Troll-Brood are encouraged, but not required, to use they/their pronouns for the character.
While on the surface Troll-Brood may seem barbaric and uncouth, beneath that veneer lies a complex individual. Built deep into the bones of each Troll-Brood is a desire so strong it borders on need: to belong to a family. A Troll-Brood often takes on an almost parental role in guiding their Eldar. For Troll-Brood that have lost their family, the grief struck them is crippling and maddening. Houseless Troll-Brood are, therefore, unsuitable for player characters. Additionally, while a Troll-Brood is not a slave and has free will, there is little they won’t do for their Eldar family. They are especially indulgent of requests from young Eldar.
All Fae view names as important, but none more so than Troll-Brood. A Troll-Brood awakens knowing their own three True Names. These three names are essential to the Troll-Brood’s being. For a Troll-Brood to share even a part of their name with another person is a sign of the truest trust, to be trusted with all three is to be trusted with the Troll-Brood's life. As a way to avoid revealing a Troll-Brood’s true name, either they or their family will often create a common name or nickname.
Troll-Brood often are covered in white tattoos that represent their great deeds. This tattooing process is innately known by all Troll-Brood, as well as the meaning of different tattoo shapes and styles. A Troll-Brood’s tattoos should be fae inspired and mythical in style. They should not resemble any real-world Pacific Islander or “tribal” style tattoos.
Many people have different playstyles, but there are certain themes that are vital and universal to all Troll-Brood. These concepts cannot be skirted around or gone against, as doing so would invalidate the purpose and design of the race.
- Loss of Autonomy Troll-Brood are strongly connected with their Eldar, and in their desire to belong, the Troll-Brood always act to aid their chosen family, even if it might not be in the Troll-Brood’s immediate personal interest. As stated above, Troll-Brood are not servants, but their love language is acts of service. Because of this, a Troll-Brood is less autonomous than most other races. In addition, it is CRUCIAL that there is the utmost trust between a Troll-Brood player and their bonded Eldar's player.
- Searching for Family: Since the Dredd wars, many Troll-Brood have lost most of their family. As a player you must be attached to at least one living Eldar, but your character will have likely lost many many family members during these wars, and there have likely been centuries of loneliness between then and the start of your time in play. Because of this, a theme for Troll-Brood is about their search for family, whether it be old or new.
- Lost in time: Much like the other Ancients, Trolls have a skewed concept of time. Trolls move slowly and precisely, as they have more than enough time to be patient. As mentioned in the Age section, Trolls don’t keep track of time the same way that other races do, even Eldar. This can make it very difficult for Troll-Brood to connect to other characters, and make it unlikely for a Troll-Brood to form deep connections with the younger races.
A dark animalistic nature. With colors often representative of their Eldar/Family's court, a Troll-Brood’s costuming should reflect the natural violence inherent within the race. Bones, feathers, furs, and other animal parts should be present, but need not be overbearing, in a Troll-Brood’s costuming. A Troll-Brood’s costuming should be durable and angled, but ragged.
As this is a restricted race, players are expected to adhere to certain standards of makeup and costuming. This is not only to distinguish the Troll-Brood from other races, but also to enhance the immersion of the other players around them. All costuming must be approved before a player's first game as the character.
- All Troll-Brood are required to cover all exposed skin with makeup. Makeup should be sickly blue to splotchy green. Hair should be red, blue, black, green, purple, or orange.
- Troll-Brood must have a prosthetic nose measuring at least 5 inches long. In addition, they must have prosthetic ears that measure at least 4 inches long. Ears may be serrated, smooth, or jagged.
- In addition to the above, Troll-Brood may have additional prosthetics, including colored contacts, and serrated, shark-like teeth. Troll-Brood do not have tusks.
- Many (but not necessarily all) Troll-Brood have fae-inspired tattoos done in white that have some significance to their past deeds.
- Troll-Brood often have weapons crafted with bone.
Examples of Troll-Brood aesthetics can be found on the following pinterest board or by asking the Troll-Brood marshal.
The Troll-Brood Lore Packet
More details about the above and other topics can be found within the Troll-Brood lore packet. Some examples of the packet’s contents include: details on the connection between Eldar and Troll-Brood on personal and broad social levels, major historical events involving Trolls, additional information about Troll society and customs and how they fit into Eldar culture, and a geological map of the Courts before the Dredd War. If you wish to delve deeper, contact the Troll-Brood Race Marshal.
Color Palletes by Court
Below are some recommended color palettes for each of the four Courts. A Troll-Brood is likely to wear similar colors as their Eldar in order to create a strong visual connection between the two. Keep in mind that these are indicative colors, but they are not to be considered the complete range of possible choices.