Rangers are the wardens, protectors, caretakers, and defenders of nature and the natural balance of the world. Often seen as woodland champions, they are in fact from all natural climates, and regions.
Classic examples throughout history of Rangers would be men and women like Diana the Huntress, Robin Hood or Chingochgook & Hawkeye.
Hit Points: 3 per level up to 75 (adjusted by race)
Maximum Armor: 75
Maximum Weapon Damage: +18 (eighteen)
Max Backstab Damage: +12 (twelve)
Maximum Strength: +3 (three) adjusted by race
- Learning Format: 7
- Max Column: 5
- Learning Format: 4
- Max Column: 5
Rangers gain special abilities as their bond with the natural world matures. Because of their special natures and requirements Rangers must have certain required skills by 3rd Level.
These basic skills are Read & Write, First Aid, Druid Arts, and a Weapon Skill.