
Tinkerer believe that Engineering, not magic will be the savior of the day. Magic is the past, but one day; soon if they have their way, Engineering research will make even more powerful tools then magic.

The choice of playing a Tinkerer is one which can truly be a role-playing decision. To play an engineer who tinkers with machines and gadgets will create opportunities to engage the world around the player. Not only for the player, but for those around him.

Hit Points: 2 per level up to 50 (adjusted by race)

Maximum Armor: 30

Maximum Weapon Damage: +9 (nine)

Max Backstab Damage: +6 (six)

Maximum Strength: +1 (one) adjusted by race

Primary Magic:
  • Learning Format: 4
  • Max Column: 5


Due to a Tinkerer’s constant use of research and their ability to deconstruct items, they do gain certain special skills at higher levels.

For this reason, a Tinkerer must learn the following skills by level 3. Read & Write, Blacksmithing, Apprentice Engineer, and Flintlock Weapon skill (any type)
