
Type: Alchemy
Frequency: Common
Duration: Instant
Production Points: Three (3)
Creation Cost: Five (5)
Required to Make: Journeyman Alchemist
Required to Use: Apprentice Alchemist
Physical Representation: Green Foam Vial or Bean Bag
Required Components:
Optional Components:
  • Bittercress Common Forestry
  • Fool's Gold Abundant Mining

This Creates an Acid which can be thrown at a single Target and will if successfully struck cause the target twenty (20) points of Damage.

The Acid must go through a Targets Armor first before doing it point Damage such that if a Target had 7 Armor Points and 22 hit points the acid would bring the Armor to zero (0) points and do thirteen (13) hit points of Damage to the Target.

This Acid also has uses in Engineering, Weaponsmithing and Armorsmithing; as well it is highly valued by Thieves locking to get into complex locks.