Laser Scope FY 1 300

Type: Engineering
Frequency: Common
Duration: 1 Hour
Production Points: Two (2)
Creation Cost: Two (2)
Required to Make: Apprentice Engineer
Required to Use: Blacksmithing
Physical Representation: Copper scope
Required Components:
  • Engineer Tools
Optional Components:
  • Silvery Scales Abundant Fishing

A Laser Scope FY-1-300 can be placed on a Crossbow or Firearm to help it attain better accuracy. The weapon will remain enhanced for One (1) Hour regardless if it is used or not

Once enhanced for the next hour the Crossbow or Firearm will gain a plus One (+1) Damage bonus. This bonus cannot be used to exceed a weapon’s maximum damage cap.

A Copper colored scope must be placed somewhere on the Crossbow or Firearm.

Note: Toy Scopes are the best resource for these scopes.

Note: A player may want to have more fun with this and add something like Arms and whatnots to their Scope so long as the color is copper this is allowed. Any questions see a Marshall for advice.

Only one Scope can be used at a time.

Someone with at least Blacksmithing as a Skill is needed to place the Scope onto the Crossbow or Firearm properly. The Process takes one (1) minute to apply.

Special Note: A Sharpening Stone can be used on 10 Bolts and a Scope on a Crossbow so the Damage can be combined.