Weapon Etching

Frequency: Uncommon
Duration: Permanent
Production Points: Twelve (12)
Creation Cost: Fifteen (15)
Required to Make: Master Weaponsmith
Required to Use: Journeyman Weaponsmith
Physical Representation: Inscription on a Weapon
Required Components:
  • Weak Acid Apprentice Alchemy
  • Smith Tools
Optional Components:
  • Adamantite Ore Rare Mining

Etching I used to decorate a Weapon. It is often used to place marks on a weapon in preparation for certain Ritual Magics to be placed upon the weapon, or Runes.

An Weaponsmith needs a minor acid which is made by alchemists to complete this task, and once done the etching cannot be removed.

This can also be a way to make items more unique and identifiable.

Note: Physical representation should never be done by damaging the Boffer weapon in any way. Use paint or ink or other safe means to show that a weapon has been etched.

The Etching takes Ten (10) minutes to apply.