
Category: Prestige

Prerequisites: Level 15: Aman'Mythal, Barzum-Ishean, Khaliss Sahad Level 20: Blood Eagles, Despised, Forgotten, Jal'Parr ibn Klem, Level 30: Royal Scouts, Order of the Azure Rose, Corsairs of Nevermore, Level 40 Grove Guardians, Vindler Skald, Crimon Praetorian, Level 5

  • Level 15: Aman'Mythal / Barzum Ishean / Khaliss Sahad
  • Level 20: Blood Eagles / Despised / Forgotten / Jal'Parr ibn Klem
  • Level 30: Royal Scouts / Order of the Azure Rose / Corsairs of Nevermore
  • Level 40: Grove Guardians / Vindler Skald / Crimon Praetorian
  • Level 50: War Wizards / Academy Celestial

This skill acts like the Dodge skill. Player must state “Evade” loud enough for all to hear. When using this skill, any attack aimed at the character misses, he/she simply gets out of the way. This skill is not effective on area of effect attacks (Example Fire 10’ Radius cannot be evaded)

Aman Mythal, Bazum-Ishean, and Khaliss Sahad may purchase this up to 5 times.

Blood Eagles, Forgotten, Jal'Parr ibn Klem, & Despised may purchase this skill once every 20 levels (20, 40, 60, 80, 100).

Royal Scouts, Corsairs of Nevermore, and Order of the Azure Rose may purchase this skill once every 30 levels (30, 60, 90).

Grove Guardians, Crimon Praetorian, and Vindler Skald may purchase once every 40 levels (40, 80).

War Wizards and Academy Celestial may purchase this skill once every 50 levels (50, 100).

Purchase Limit:

Blood Eagles: 5 (Every 20 levels)
Royal Scouts: 3 (Every 30 levels)
Order of the Azure Rose: 3 (Every 30 levels)
Despised: 5 (Every 20 levels)
Corsairs of Nevermore: 3 (Every 30 levels)
Forgotten: 5 (Every 20 levels)
Aman'Mythal: 5
Barzum Ishean: 6 (Every 15 levels)
Grove Guardians: 2 (Every 40 levels)
Khaliss Sahad: 5
Vindler Skald: 2 (Every 40 levels)
Crimon Praetorian: 2 (Every 40 levels)
Jal'Parr ibn Klem: 5 (Every 20 levels)
War Wizards: Up to 2 (1 Every 50 levels)
Academy Celestial: 2 (Every 50 levels)

Profession/Prestige Costs:
  • 5 Points