Blood Eagles

Heroes or villains, the Blood Eagles have been called both. They are the Queen’s High Guard, spies, and loyal protectors and act as her eyes and ears throughout the Kingdom and beyond.

These men and women are of exceptional skill and service. Most of the nobility fears them, though some are them. The Blood Eagles can be one of the most powerful forces on the battlefield, even changing the tides of war and nations before a battle can even begin.

Preferred Races: Queenslands Aeldirmann, Edomere, Berowick, Sudomir, Valenwood, Durenmyr, Sylvan Elf, Stone Dwarf, Shadow Dwarf, Dawn Elf, High Elf, Dusk Elf,

Forbidden Races: Oni Daughters of Kyth, Djinnborn, Sons of Kyth,

Preferred Professions:

Forbidden Professions: Marauders Knight of Darkness,

Preferred Magic: None

Forbidden Magic: Necromancy

Prerequisites Skills

Costuming & Appearance:
Blood Eagles are as often out of uniform as in one, but they are considered as always on duty and never on break.

Their tabard or favor is a black field with a red double headed eagle, and red trim. An officer’s tabard is bordered in gold. Dress uniforms for officers are a white field with the double headed eagle in red.

Blood Eagles are rumored to be everywhere but are not always obviously a special order of the military and are rumored to wear just a generic military uniform during these times, with a small favor or medallion to show they are a Blood Eagle if needed.
