Hearth Guard

The old ways of the First Men are being lost, much that once was is now just faded memory and soon, if the Dunedin, the first humans of the Kingdom of Edamn, disappear from this world, shall be nothing more at all.

None know this as well as the woman of the Survivors of the Old Kingdom. To offset this, and to make sure they never repeat the mistakes of the first Kingdom of Mann, the Hearth Guard was established.

The Hearth Guard have chosen a life of service. They will remember, they will learn, and they will protect all that remains of the Dunedin and their world.

Not every House has a Hearth Guard, in fact most outside of Aeldirmann do not. They are rising in Berowick and Vallenwood.

These women are more than just retainers of noble houses. They know that they may be the last defense against those who would harm their charges and their lands.

The Hearth Guard are each fiercely loyal to their House. Started in the First Kingdom, then brought to the Free Kingdom; first to the lands of Aeldirmann, this tradition has spread throughout many lands.

They revere the Houses of Rickshire, Van Neste, Arundel, and those few who can still trace their lineage back to the first Kingdom. Though rare that those blood lines are blessed with the power of True Dunedin any longer.

The Hearth Guard will protect those things and the last of their charges unto their dying day. Once chosen a House may never be changed, and to break an Oath to a House would mean to forfeit all status as a Hearth Guard, with no refund of Points.

Prerequisites Skills

Costuming & Appearance:
The Hearth Guard has no uniform. Instead the Hearth Guard will be dressed in appropriate colors for their job. A House favor is also common, as is a House Tabard on the field. They are always proud of the House they serve, so will always have something which denotes that house visible on their personage.

Heath Guard must start as a retainer to a House, but only those of the Dunedin Houses may start as a Noble of the House.
