Next Event!

Florida Elks Youth Camp
Florida Elks Youth Camp, 24175 SE Hwy 450, Umatilla, FL 32784, USA
Fri, Apr 18, 2025 6:00 PM
Sun, Apr 20, 2025 4:00 PM


March 19, 2025 - Registration Dates for Feypril 225!

****Official Registration Staff Post****
Registration for Executive Cabins will open on Tuesday, March 25th at 5pm and end on Monday, March 31 or when there are no cabins left.
There will be three Queen size cabins available (sleeps up to 4 people).
There will be six King size cabins available (sleeps up to 2 people).
Each cabin costs $300 plus the cost of your event.
Because of the expense of these cabins, and because I have to let the Elks know so far in advance, you must pay when you register.
Bob and Ted and Carole and Alice want to share a queen size cabin. None of them are Golden Ticket or Season Pass holders.
Bob sends in $375 and says he wants a queen executive cabin for Bob Newhart (character name Dick Louden), Ted Danson (character name Sam Malone), Carole Lombard (character name Irene Bullock), and Alice Brady (character name Angelica Bullock).
Ted and Carole and Alice will all send in their registration and their payment the usual way during the usual registration time.
Phil Harris and Alice Faye want a king cabin and both are Golden Ticket holders. Alice sends in $300 and her email says that she wants a king executive cabin for Alice Faye (character name Alice) and Phil Harris (character name Baloo).
Phil will register in the usual fashion.
These cabins will not be available after March 31st. You can't register now and pay later with these cabins.
Regular registration will open Tuesday, April 7th at 5pm.

March 18, 2025 - March 2025 Checkout is Open

Hello Mythic Community,

The March 2025 event checkout form is open!

Checkout link is live and can be found at:

The deadline to submit will be 11:59pm, Tuesday March 25th, 2025.

Finalizing your check-out after each event ensures the following:

  1. That your character receives all qualifying XP from playing the event.

  2. That you as the player can communicate to Library how much XP (if any) you wish to move from your Player XP Bank, to your character.

  3. That any skills your character learned/improved can be recorded by the Library and placed upon your character sheet.

If you are having any questions or difficulty with the checkout form, please reach out to an NPL or one of the Librarians and we will be happy to help!

If you notice any errors on your character sheet in the portal, please message your librarians at:

Thank you!
The Hero’s Library Team
Chris Mack
Krysta De Medici
Matthew Shaffer


March 13, 2025 - Tavern Menu for March 2025!

March 09, 2025 - Reg for March 2025 Reminder!

***Official Staff Post***
If you have not emailed, you have not registered for the March event!
We are at the Elks this event and next, and we try to limit each cabin to five people as each has five bottom bunks. If you are in a larger group (usually more than five in a cabin), and you have not yet registered, please indicate if you are okay with a top bunk AND include a second choice cabin in your registration! 
We have plenty of cabins available, but we do try to keep groups together. 
If you are a Golden Ticket or Season Pass Holder, I do not know if you are coming unless you register!
At this point, everyone who has registered should have received a confirmation email. If you have not, that means we have not received your email!
See you on Friday!

March 06, 2025 - March Event Due Dates

Remember that Preproduction and Research are due by end of day Today (March 6th)!

Registration is still live, make sure to sign up to ensure you get the cabin you want!