Check In Procedures!

Check in starts at 5 pm in first room of the cafeteria (green building). You will sign your liability waiver and fill out your medical history form if you have not done so. (Kevin, Andy, and/or Amanda).

Then you will get your cabin assignment (Stephanie and/or Amanda), and pay for anything you haven’t prepaid for. Even if you think you know your cabin assignment, you must check in first! You will get your character sheet (if you have one) at this time.

And two paths diverged in the woods (so to speak) — Full time monsters — you are now free to move your car to the tan building at the very end of the road that goes past the preschool, the gym, and the auditorium, and unpack. Then you can move your car to the grassy area near the school buses and hang out, get dinner, relax, take a nap, help set up monster town (the auditorium), until 10:30 pm.

Players who are playing a character — you will then sign up for your monster shift. Remember, you can only sign YOURSELF up for a monster shift, no one else, and shifts must be full before you can sign up as an alternate. If you are medically out of combat, you can choose the Saturday afternoon shift, or any of the open makeup shifts. Also, extra shifts mean extra XP. 😉

After you have done those things, if you have weapons and/or to check, move on to the next room in the cafeteria where John Dandle, and River Lelacheur will help you out. ALL weapons must be checked EVERY TIME. Weapons and armor MUST be with you in order for it to be checked. (Hope you don’t get stuck behind someone from Valenwood.)

Got a magic item or XP store item to pick up? Dave will be in the same room as weapons check.

Once you are done, or if you don’t have any weapons or armor to check, go see Jillian and her assistants to pick up your production (this will include crown pulls, new player packets, and so on).

Got a question about your character sheet? Need to make a character sheet? See The Library team, Chris, Matt, and Krysta.

Once you have run the gauntlet, you can drive your car to your cabin (mind the other approx 200 people doing the same thing), unload, and then move it to where the school buses are parked. Elora Czaia and Caitlin Pearse and her crew will be providing an assist on parking.

At 10 or 11pm, we will start announcing the time that opening ceremonies in the auditorium will occur.

Fifteen minutes before opening ceremonies, we will start winding down and finishing up the folks who are checking in. Five minutes before opening ceremonies, the staff, marshals, and assistants that are running check in will be walking to the auditorium for opening ceremonies.

Check in will resume when opening ceremonies are finished. If you are arriving after 10:15, please Facebook to see what time opening ceremonies is going to start. That is usually posted Friday evening. If the door to the cafeteria is locked, please head STRAIGHT FOR THE AUDITORIUM.

After opening ceremonies, check in will reopen, and will continue until everyone is checked in.

After opening ceremonies, Sara and the safety marshals will conduct the safety briefing. If you are a new player, this is mandatory. If you have not attended a safety briefing in over a year, it is STRONGLY recommended.

After opening ceremonies, you MUST move your car to the designated parking area.

Game on starts at midnight.

If you know that you can’t make it before 11pm, or if you find yourself running late, please contact Amanda with an approximate ETA. If something happens, and you can’t arrive before Saturday, message Amanda as soon as you know so that we can arrange a time and place for you to get your character sheet, medical and liability waiver filled out, production, and weapons/armor checked.

***If you have been asked to be part of the set up crew, contact Terry Clark for your arrival time***

***If you are part of the parking crew, contact Caitlin for an arrival time.***