Item and Recipe Identification and Usage

Table of Contents:

Another guide that's been in the works for a while. Most of this, other than the Ritual information, can be extrapolated from the skill descriptions in the rule book, but I've gathered it together here in slightly different words. If you have any questions, please ask staff for clarification or if you think you should have additional information due to supporting RP or other appropriate skills. There's some consideration of breaking GM into GM 1-3, and GM 4-5 as separate categories. If this becomes the case, then Master could use GM 1-3 and GM1 could use Anything. And similar adjustments.

Item and Recipe Identification and Usage

These are examples of what information different skills can provide on an item or recipe that is found or presented for inspection. The investigation of the item should be roleplayed, especially for something the character is not familiar with. It will usually take between a 5 count and a minute, though in some cases additional time may be required, or may provide additional information. For some items, you will still need to ask staff for the relevant information your skills can provide.

() contain options that are filled in based on the item in question or the Production Skill or Ritual Type skills you have.

When seeing (Skill Level) or higher/lower, you are still able to identify which skill level it is. For example, Journeyman or higher would let you know if the item was Journeyman, Master, or Grand Master skill level.


This thing? It is or contains a Journeyman or higher (Poison, Alchemy, Elixir, or Surgery) item but I have no what idea it does.

This thing? It is or contains an Apprentice (Poison, Alchemy, Elixir, or Surgery) item with (x) effect.

This component tag? It's a (Material Name) and is useful in (Alchemy, Elixir, Poison, Scribe, Surgery) recipe(s) (X, Y, and/or Z)

This recipe? It's an (Alchemy, Elixir, Poison, Scribe, Surgery) recipe, but I don't know how advanced, what it makes, or what it takes to make it, though it looks like (Material Names) would be useful.

Has a (Poison, Alchemy, Elixir, or Surgery) item been used on this thing? I don’t know. Example: Has this drink been poisoned? I don’t know.

I can use any Apprentice (Alchemy, Elixir, Poison) item I acquire. (Some items don't require a skill)


This thing? It is or contains a Journeyman or higher (Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Jewel Crafting, or Engineering) item but I have no what idea it does.

This thing? It is or contains an Apprentice (Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Jewel Crafting, or Engineering) item with (x) effect.

This component tag? It's a (Material Name) and is useful in (Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Jewel Crafting, or Engineering) recipe(s) (X, Y, and/or Z)

This recipe? It's an (Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Jewel Crafting, or Engineering) recipe, but I don't know how advanced, what it makes, or what it takes to make it, though it looks like (Material Names) would be useful.

Has a (Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Jewel Crafting, or Engineering) item been used on this thing? I don’t know. Example: Has a sharpening stone been used on this weapon? I don’t know.

I can use any Apprentice (Armorsmithing, Weaponsmithing, Jewel Crafting, or Engineering) item I acquire.


This food/drink/bottle? It is or contains a Journeyman or higher (Wine, Brew, Spirit, Baking, Cooking, Infusion) item but I have no what idea it does.

This food/drink/bottle? It is or contains an Apprentice (Wine, Brew, Spirit, Baking, Cooking, Infusion) item with (x) effect.

This component tag? It's a (Material Name) and is useful in (Vinting, Brewing, Distilling, Baking, Cooking, Infusion) recipe(s) (X, Y, and/or Z)

This recipe? It's an (Vinting, Brewing, Distilling, Baking, Cooking, Infusion) recipe, but I don't know how advanced, what it makes, or what it takes to make it, though it looks like (Material Names) would be useful.

I can use any Apprentice (Wine, Brew, Spirit Baking, Cooking, Infusion) I acquire. (That has a requirement, most don't)

First Aid/Triage

I can use Apprentice Surgeon items.

I may ask “(First Aid/Triage), what is your status?” and expect to receive – Missing hp information such as down 30 HP or lightly wounded, target’s choice, along with Bleeding Out, Critically Wounded, Lethally Wounded, Dead, Petrified, Paralyzed, or similar effects if applicable. This is not a perfect skill, so not all status effects can be identified this way.

Production Skills

Alchemist, Elixirist, Poisoner, Scribe, Surgeon, Armorsmith, Weaponsmith, Jewel Crafter, Engineer, Vinter, Brewer, Distiller, Baker, Cook, Infusionist

Apprentice (Production Skill)

I can read Apprentice (Production Skill) Recipes, know what they make, and learn how to make them.

I can't read Journeyman or higher (Production Skill) recipes, know what they make, or learn how to make them.

This item? It is or contains a Master or higher (Production Skill) item, but I have no what idea it does.

This item? It is or contains a Journeyman or lower (Production Skill) item with (x) effect.

I can use any Journeyman or lower (Production Skill) item I acquire.

Has a (Apprentice Production Skill) item been used on this thing? Yes. Ex. Has this drink been poisoned with an apprentice poison? Yes/No

Journeyman (Production Skill)

I can read Journeyman or lower (Production Skill) Recipes, know what they make, and learn how to make them.

I can't read Master or higher (Production Skill) Recipes, know what they make, or learn how to make them.

This item? It is or contains a Grand Master (Production Skill) item, but I have no what idea it does.

This item? It is or contains a Master or lower (Production Skill) item with (x) effect.

I can use any Master or lower (Production Skill) item I acquire.

Has a Journeyman or lower (Production Skill) item been used on this thing? Yes. Ex. Has this drink been poisoned with a journeyman poison? Yes

Master (Production Skill)

I can read Master or lower (Production Skill) Recipes, know what they make, and learn how to make them.

I can't read Grand Master (Production Skill) Recipes, know what they make, or learn how to make them.

This item? It is or contains a(n) (Skill Level) (Production Skill) item with (x) effect.

I can use any (Production Skill) item I acquire.

Has a Master or lower (Production Skill) item been used on this thing? Yes. Ex. Has this drink been poisoned with a master poison? Yes

Grand Master (Production Skill)

I can read any (Production Skill) Recipes and know what they make. But I may not have the skill to make them.

This item? It is or contains a(n) (Skill Level) (Production Skill) item with (x) effect.

I can use any (Production Skill) item I acquire.

Has a Grand Master or lower (Production Skill) item been used on this thing? Yes. Ex. Has this drink been poisoned with a grandmaster poison? Yes

Additional Scribe Skill Abilities

Apprentice Scribe

I can identify the Production Skill required for Apprentice Recipes

Journeyman Scribe

I can identify the Production Skill required for Journeyman and lower Recipes

Master Scribe

I can identify the Production Skill required for Master or lower Recipes

Grandmaster Scribe

I can identify the Production Skill required for any Recipes.

Evaluate Item

This production item? It was made from (Required and Optional Components including numbers of each component).

Note: It may take some time, or you may receive vague answers for items that do not already have recipes.

This (Tier X) component? It’s (Component Name) item and worth more than (Tier X-1 component) and less than (Tier X+1 component).

This general item? It’s worth about (x) crowns.

Rituals (Ethereal, Terrestrial, Specialty)

At least 1 level of ritual skill is normally required to read any ritual. Exceptions may exist.

General Rituals

I can read and cast this ritual if I have the Ritual Level listed on the ritual.

I can read but not cast this ritual if I don’t have the Ritual Level listed on the ritual.

Specialty Rituals

I can read and cast this ritual if I have the Ritual Level and Specialty listed on the ritual.

I can read but not cast this ritual if I don’t have the Ritual Level but do have the Specialty listed on the ritual.


(Along with a detect magic spell or ability)

This (Ethereal, Terrestrial) enchanted item that I don't have the skill to cast? It has a (Ethereal, Terrestrial) enchantment.

This (Ethereal, Terrestrial) enchanted item that I have the skill to cast? It has (Ethereal, Terrestrial) enchantment(s), and with enough time and research I may be able to tell you the effects.

This (Ethereal, Terrestrial) enchanted item that I have the skill and ritual(s) to cast? It has (Ethereal, Terrestrial) enchantment(s), and the following effects...

Gathering Skill

(Farming, Fishing, Forestry, Mining, Merchant)

This component from my available pick list at a rarity less than or equal to my level in the skill? It looks like a (Component Name).