Mythic Retreat FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.

August 19, 2024

Mythic Retreat FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions.

1. What is the Mythic Retreat?

The Mythic Retreat is a 2-day, overnight event, typically taking place between Metrocon and the first event of the mythic season. It includes a variety of events and activities that happen for both new and returning players!  This year the event is occurring August 24 and 25th, at the Florida Elks Youth Camp.

2. What events are happening at the retreat?

The following types of events happen during the retreat:

  1. Adventure Rings - one-shot adventures that occur over the course of an hour or two. You may sign up for 1 adventure ring per character, and we ask that if you send a character on an adventure ring, you monster at least one ring (though more is encouraged!)  This year we have 6 total adventure rings: 2 at 10am Saturday, 2 at 6pm Saturday, and 2 a 10am Sunday.
  2. Panels - These are info sessions run by subject matter experts and are available for both new and returning players.  They may cover things like History of the World, Production, Research, and Magic.  These panels happen during the downtime between the adventure rings.
  3. Site Tours - For new play sites or for new players to existing play sites, tours of the grounds will be staggered throughout the day.
  4. The Masquerade - This is an open-invite “Fancy” ball that occurs Saturday Night.  Typically it’s an excuse to dress up in your character’s fanciest garb, but there is always the chance for role play and intrigue.  Light snacks and beverages are usually available.


3. Is the retreat like a normal 3-day event?

No. Unlike a normal 3-day event, there is no “game on” or “game off”.  You will only be “in play” during any adventure rings you attend, as well as the masquerade ball.  In addition, there is no formalized “check in” outside of ensuring payment and getting your cabin space.  You will not receive production. 


4. Can players host in-play events?

Players are encouraged to engaged in light RP during the downtimes of the event, when not in an adventure ring or attending a panel.  There will not be any official downtime activities provided by the game, thus you would not expect to fight monsters, do production, or earn experience.  Soft RP is fine, feel free to coordinate with your marshals or the storytelling team if you have ideas you’d like to get game support from, though no support is guaranteed.  For the most part, anything that would require the use of Skills or other mechanics are not authorized during this “soft RP” period, such as performing rituals.


5. How much does the retreat cost?

This year the cost of the retreat is $45.  It is not included in the Season Pass, though it is included in the Golden Ticket.  The cost includes entrance to any adventure rings you sign up to run, the masquerade, as well as cabin space.


6. How can I gain EXP during the retreat?

Your character will gain 25 exp for each adventure ring that you attend.  However, this EXP will not be earned until the player completes the required Monstering of an adventure ring.  During your monstering, you will acquire exp per the standard monstering exp rate of 10 exp per hour.  You may monster as little or as much as you like, once you have completed your required monster shift for each adventure ring you attend.  This mirrors how EXP and volunteering is managed during our Metrocon volunteering event.


7. How will check-in work for the retreat?

When you arrive, you’ll first find the Registration Team (Amanda and Stephanie) in order to ensure payment and get your cabin assignment.  After that you are free to unpack/unload into your cabin!  Depending on which adventure rings you have signed up to run and/or volunteer for, you may then proceed to the library and portal team to acquire your character sheet and get ready for your runs! Please do not move your things into a cabin until you have checked in with the registration team! The registration and library teams should be available throughout the day as people arrive.  If you need to check in outside of these times, please reach out to the respective team to coordinate.