Returning Player Liaison

September 11, 2024

From the desk of Game Owner Gary!


Returning Player Liaison


This announcement was made back at the January 2024 event, but I wanted to once again thank Rand Blanks for being our Returning Player Liaison.

Rand is best suited for this marshaling, as he is new enough that he doesn't know many of those who've played before his tenure, and so had no preconceived prior experiences.

He has both directed several games and owned Coral Gate, as well as designed that system. He is a director in real life at a fortune 500 company who supervises several hundred people both directly and indirectly.

Lastly Rand has known me since 1996.

With all the positive updates we've had recently both culturally and in clarifying the rules and codes of conduct, it was brought to me that since we vet new players to make sure they are a good fit and well informed. So we should do the same for those who've played before, but not recently.

After all people change, and so has our community, for the better. So let's make sure Mythic is still a good place for those who want to return and for our community.

Rand stepped up and volunteered to handle this vetting and information update process, as the most impartial and yet professional voice that could help us.

I would like to thank him for what will be a busy task.

If you are a player who has been on an break from the game for over a season, please reach out to Rand to see how he can help bring you back into the fold!  This is a resource so returning players can be brought up to speed with what happened while away.

Anyone who has been red carded will also go through Rand from now on, as a final step.