Season 7 details reminder!

July 17, 2022

As MetroCon comes to a close,  and I've been asked about season 7, especially by our new and future players here goes.


Season 7 - Pricing


3 day events

Playing a character with a bed in a cabin - $75 (this is a $10 increase and basically makes events $25/day.  This is our first increase since season 3 and the main increase.  I'm doing my best to offset all the external increases the world is throwing at us)

Playing a character staying in a tent or without staying on site - $45

Full-time monsters/npc staying in the monster town cabin - $10

Full-time monsters/npc not staying on site or staying in a tent - free. 


Adventure Rings 

Will vary in price depending on location,  overnight,  one day,  food,  and other considerations.   Range $20 - $35 each event.


Mythic Retreat

$25 for the events. 

$20 additional for an over night stay in the cabins.