
Trades and Gathering Crafts are those skills which a character knows that may or may not have an in-game effect. This is often resolved by the Story team or Staff members. These skills are the filler between Lores and Production skills.

All Trade and Craft Skills may be purchased in Ranks up to five (5). Thus, someone with the Mining skill could purchase that skill five (5) times. If a use for the knowledge they have comes up, they might gather more information on a mineral deposit than someone who had only purchased the skill once and was thus at Mining rank one (1)

Gathering Crafts allow a character to receive material tags from the Production Table at check-in. The character may use the random chance bag or receive a fixed result based on the rank of the gathering skill. The random chance bag has range of success and failure, allowing one to do much better or worse than the fixed result.

Gathering Crafts and Trade skills can be used by the character to receive an income of crowns from the skill during check-in. If a Gathering skill is used to receive crowns, then it cannot also be used to receive item tags that the skill has access to. The number of crowns increase with the rank in the skill.

Rank 1 = 2 Crowns Rank 2 = 5 Crowns Rank 3 = 9 Crowns Rank 4 = 14 Crowns Rank 5 = 20 Crowns

Note: Staff may alter the availability of crowns and/or tags based on in game events. Mine collapse, drought, etc.

These crafts can draw from a grab bag to gain materials at the beginning of each event staff makes them available. Each skill has a different pool of items that can be gained. A player may choose to take crowns instead of materials at a fixed rate. Staff may alter grab bag availability based on in game events such as a mine collapse, drought, or very fertile spring.

These skills are often great background skills to flesh out the history of a character.

These skills might also be useful in other situations, though not generally against other players, at staff discretion.