
Resists are a special skill which allows a character to have a limited immunity to an effect. They are a positive defense when used against a “piercing” attack.

Resists come in many forms and the player must decide to use a resist or another defense such as a spell shield or dodge at the time of the effect to be negated to be successful. To use a Resist vs. other Defense is always the choice of the player against an otherwise successful effect.

Some Resists are effective against certain types of creatures, such as Undead. These resists will negate any one effect which the specified creature successful initiates against the character. Thus, an Undead who throws a Condemn spell, which successfully hits a character with Resist Undead, could be resisted. The same Undead could have a 20 massive melee attack resisted if the character still had a Resist vs. Undead.

Other Resists are effective against specific magic types. Thus, a character with Resist Arcane could resist any spell on the Arcane spell list, any spell thrown with a purple component packet, or any non-spell effect which mimics or is similar to an effect from a spell on the Arcanist list.

A third type of Resist is effective against an effect type. Resist Disease will be effective against any Disease, Sickness, Nausea, or other Disease-like effects, regardless of source.

If you are not certain if an effect can be resisted with your skill, please ask a Marshall or Staff Member.

When using a Resist against an effect a player must State “Resist ” loudly enough for the attacker to hear. Thus, in the examples above the player would have stated “Resist Undead”

Resists may always be used as a defense, even if you are dead.

Resists can be learned in many ways. The first way is those learned by ones Race, in which case they may be learned at any time and usually up to five (5) of a resist may be learned by the character of the appropriate Race. (See Racial Description)

Secondly, a characters Profession may have the ability to learn certain types of Resists. These resists are noted in the Profession’s description and often come with Prerequisites based on level and / or skills known.

Spells are another way to learn a Resist. A spell column may allow a character to learn certain types of resist. The larger the column the more resists a player may learn. Resists are based on the number of First (1st) level spells a character has and they may learn the first resist upon learning a single first level spell. Each additional Resist can be learned with every odd number of first level spells learned there on.

Examples: One (1) resist with a 1 column, two (2) resists with a 3, 2, 1 column, three (3) resists at a 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 column, and so on…

The knowledge of magical Rituals can also grant to ability to know very powerful Resists. For every three levels of Ritual, a character may learn an appropriate resist for the type of Ritual magic known, up to a maximum of three (3) resists learned in this fashion. (i.e. One (1) resist at Ritual Magic III, two (2) resists at Ritual Magic VI, and lastly Three (3) resists at Ritual Magic IX)

The last common way to learn a form of Resist is by joining one of the Prestige Groups. This is always governed by first joining one of these optional groups and then by meeting all other requirements, such as level, to learn these resists. These are always limited to no more than five (5) of any one type of resist learned in this manner.

Knowledge of Resists from different sources can be combined. For example, a Djinn-born Magi can learn his / her Resist Elemental skill five (5) times for Race, but they may also add any Resist Elementals an Elementalist Column would allow. For Example: A Djinn-born Magi with seven (7) first level spells could have up to nine (9) Resist Elemental if she so desired. (i.e. five (5) for being Djinn-born and four (4) for their spell column, equaling nine (9)

Resists granted by a Racial Advantage may be learned without a teacher as they are inherent abilities.