
Level: 9
Duration: Instant
Area of Effect: One Creature
Type: Death
Usable By: Hearth Druid Wrath

I pass judgement and sentence you to Death.

This spell will affect one creature who will be dropped to Dead Status if they do not have an appropriate form of protection

Certain Creatures such as those whom are desecrated will be brought back from Dead Status to 1 hit point. The target may not exceed its normal maximum allotted hit points using this spell. This spell will also cleanse them of any toxins and / or disease they may have normal or magical. It will furthermore regenerate any missing body parts.

Some creatures are harmed by this spell instead of dropped to dead status. These Creatures will take damage based on their Master Fortify Skill. This damage bypasses armor and goes directly to hit points.

Undead who are hit with this spell are restored to Undeath, and brought back to 1 hit point.

This spell cannot be used to harm/heal constructs or other creatures without a life force.