The New Site Is Live!
November 10, 2021
Hello all, your local webmaster here. The new Mythic Adventures website is live! We're still getting some of the kinks out, so please be patient as we get it up and running!
Hopefully soon you'll be able to find posts about game announcements and information. Until then, explore the site, click around, and make sure to visit our facebook group!
Notes about October Registration!
October 09, 2021
Don’t forget your meal plan when you are signing up!
Also, don’t forget to email your screen shot when registering! Unless you email me, I don’t know you have registered!
If you have not received a thank you email, we do not know that you have registered! Remember to send that screenshot to!
And if you are a Golden Ticket or Season Pass holder, we have no idea you are attending unless you email me!
Meal Plan Details
August 27, 2021
- Meal Plans are $30 and include brunch on Saturday, dinner on Saturday, and brunch on Sunday. You will be issued three tickets, one for each meal, at check in. You will turn in that ticket to Camp Geneva staff when you get your meal.
- Brunch will be from 8:00 am to 9:30 am. Dinner will be from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm.
- Dinner this event is baked chicken, spaghetti with meat sauce, and a vegetarian option as well. This will change from event to event.
- If you pay for the meal plan, but miss a meal, we (...)
Event Registration
August 24, 2021
Registration for the September event goes live August 31 at noon!