Knowledge on a subject or matter can translate into power. Knowing information about one’s enemies and one’s friends has always been important, but so has knowledge on a great many subjects.Lore skills allows a character to round out their education as it were and can but augment one’s roleplaying and one’s prowess when dealing with certain problems or dangers.
A Lore marked with [R] is restricted and a character may not start with the Greater Informational Lore, they may only purchase a single lesser lore from that group.
A member of a race may purchase the Greater Racial Lore that contains their race at character creation.
The exception is Ethereal Races lore. No one may start with Greater Information Lore: Ethereal Races, and only a member of an Ethereal Race may purchase a Lesser lore in that group.
The list of Greater Informational Lores and their Lesser Informational Lore subsets is as follows:
Racial Lores:
Ancient Races Lore[R]: (Elves, Eldar, Fairies and other Fey Races) Lesser Lores are Fairies, Eldar, Elves, Fey, and Trolls
Kingdoms of Man Lore[R]: (Humans) Lesser Lores will be Free Kingdom, Farseni, Volknarr, Easterlings, Romanovi, the Ith, and the Gracean Empire
Stout Folk Lore [R]: (Dwarfs, Shirelings, Gnomes) Lesser Lores will be Stone Dwarfs, Shadow Dwarf, Shireling, and Gnome
Ethereal Races Lore [R*]: (Daughters and Sons of Kyth, Djinn-born, Brotherhood Arcanum, Shadowvium) Each race is also available as a Lesser Lore. *
Goblinoid Races Lore [R]: (Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Kobolds, Oni and their relations) Again each is available as a Lesser Lore.
Beast Races Lore [R]: (Jal’Khandian, Wolven, Ursoni, Minotaur, and so on) Each is also available as a Lesser Lore.
Knowledge Lores:
Planar Lore: (Life, Love, Purity, Harmony, Order, Discord, Strife, Corruption, Hate, and Death) Lesser Lores for each Plane are available.
Veil Lore [R]: (The Nexus, Ethereal, Outsiders, Shadow, Light, and Darkness) Lesser Lores exist for each of these.
Elemental Lore: (Fire, Earth, Water, and Air) Lesser Lores exist for each of these.
Mythical Creatures Lore [R]: (Dragons, Giants, Aberrations, Ents, Guardians, and Spirit beings) Each is available as a Lesser Lore
Nature Lore: (Forests, Deserts, Savanah, Tundra, Moors, and Mountains, Underground) Each is available as a Lesser Lore.
Constructs Lore [R]: (Golem, Homunculi, Mimics, and Animations) Each is available as a Lesser Lore
Undead Lore: (Skeletal, Spectral and Corporeal) Each is available as a Lesser Lore.