Production Skills are those needed to make items “In Play” which can prove useful to the player and others in the game.All Production Skills follow a similar format, thus keeping consistency in the game.
There is the basic knowledge needed to start a production skill, such as Herbalism or Blacksmithing, then once a player has the basics he or she may then learn to become an Apprentice in a production type. They must gain Level Ten (10) in a production skill to be able to purchase Journeyman rank in that skill, if their race and profession allows, and they must than gain Level Twenty (20) in a production skill before they may purchase the Master rank skill in that form of Production, again if their race and/or Profession allows.
All Production Skills have Grand Master levels which are similar to Rituals and a Grand Master Recipe may take months to find all the needed components and gather the additional skills to create.
Production Skills are the “meat and drink” of the Crafter professions, but all professions can learn some amount of Production Skills.
Production Skills are primarily used between events, which is represented by the Production Check-In procedure. During Check-in at an event a character receives a number of Production Points to use based on their skills.
The Production Point total is equal to a multiplier based on skill rank in that production skill applied to the skill levels in that production skill. The skill ranks and multipliers are Apprentice at x1, Journeyman at x2, and Master at x3. A higher rank replaces the lower multiplier and is not in addition to it. The Grand Master skill rank does not provide an increased multiplier.
For example, a character with the Journeyman Jewel Crafter skill and 16 levels of Jewel Crafting would receive 32 (16x2) Production Points at check in.
Every Recipe, other than Grand Master Recipes, has a required Production Skill Rank, Production Point cost, Crown cost, and potentially required or optional components necessary to create them. At Check-in, a player may create, and receive the item tags for, any combination of Recipes, or multiples of the same Recipe, that they have the Recipes for as well as the Skill Ranks, Crowns and Components necessary to create, so long as the sum of the Production Point costs for those Recipes is less than or equal to their Production Point total for that skill.